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Airborne Jacket (Black)

Airborne JacketColour: BlackMode of Payment: Advance

Airborne Jacket (Sage Green)

Airborne JacketColour: Sage GreenMode of Payment: Advance

MA-1 Flight Jacket (Black)

This is the classic USAF nylon flight jacket... the MA-1! This popular jacket protected our pilots for decades, in the air and on the ground! For emergency situations, this jacket is completely reversible to Safety Orange.* Front zipper closure with storm flap * Knit collar, cuffs and waistband * Utility/Pen pocket on left sleeve * Inside reverses to Emergency Orange for high visibility during rescue missionsMode of Payment: Advance

MA-1 Flight Jacket (Sage Green)

This is the classic USAF nylon flight jacket... the MA-1! This popular jacket protected our pilots for decades, in the air and on the ground! For emergency situations, this jacket is completely reversible to Safety Orange.* Front zipper closure with storm flap * Knit collar, cuffs and waistband * Utility/Pen pocket on left sleeve * Inside reverses to Emergency Orange for high visibility during rescue missionsMode of Payment: Advance

Nomex Flight Gloves (Fire Resistant)

Nomex Flight Gloves (Fire Resistant)Colour: Sage GreenMode of Payment: Advance